The Flight of the Kuaka
Client Name: Te Ahu Centre Human Dynamo LTD
Project Name: Where journeys begin
Description: Atrium representing Kuaka flying over the ocean. Over 100 Kuaka (bar tailed Godwits) set off in unison to the north. Against the dark blue ceiling the spectra became virtually invisible.
My role was to design,create, and compile the birds for efficient installation. We installed these birds in the atrium within one day with relative ease thanks to the prep.
Each bird was individually laser-cut, heat formed, strung and tested before being packed and sent to Kaitaia. A total of 124 birds were made.
We successfully achieved the illusion of self suspended flying birds using fine black spectra used normally for Kite string. There are three levels of flight with three variations in bird flight posture. All birds were prepared pre strung individually, at designated heights for easy installation upon arrival to Kaitaia.
Their silhouette collectively is of one bird as a whole.
Photocredits: Sue Dorrington, Human Dynamo LTD